20 Jan 2012

Employers!  There’s so much youth talent out there!

With unemployment rising above 1.2 million for 16 to 24-year-olds, this gloomy statistic presents a depressing picture for today’s teenagers. Whether they leave college with a skill, or university with a degree; realistically what kind of future can they expect?

So with this in mind, I just wish that everyone could have witnessed the enthusiasm and talent that a group of 16-17 yr olds recently demonstrated at their Academy’s ‘Challenge of Management’ event.

Working alongside local employers, the students discussed best practice management techniques; looked at the skills of entrepreneurs and delivered articulate and professional presentations on their experiences of shadowing managers in the work place.

The confidence and abilities of the students impressed the employers – many of whom expressed their concerns about the current employment prospects affecting youth in the UK.

It’s hoped that Employers everywhere will proactively consider opportunities they have available for 16-24 yr olds. Real jobs with real challenges will not only enable our youth to independently contribute to society but will add fresh new skills and ideas to the workplace and ensure innovation and creativity for the future.

(The ‘Challenge of Management’ event was designed and delivered by Sharon Halliday of People & Design)

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