27 Aug 2013

Hey bosses! Is your company a happy place to work?

So, according to recent studies, around 70% of US workers don't feel happy or 'engaged' at work.  

I'm not sure of the UK statistics on this, but chances are we're not far behind.  Every business knows there is a strong correlation between 'happy workers' and 'high business performance', yet few companies really take a fresh, innovative approach to the simple, inexpensive things that can be done to make people happy at work.

We've all studied enough Maslow and Hertzberg to be able to recite backwards the key principles, yet organisations still fall back on trying to design overly complicated and ineffective performance management systems to motivate and reward ............Boring!

Take a look at this recent BBC link - 

and also check out what Tony Hsieh (CEO) of Zappos  www.zappos.com 'about Zappos' has done with his team - creative stuff and amazingly successful.  Zappos style may not suit every business, but there's plenty of ideas to inspire.

Create a happy work place, or watch your employees take their talents elsewhere.

Sharon Halliday of People & Design

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