18 Jul 2011

BBC's TV's - 'The Apprentice' - not to be taken seriously .....

According to today's news, over 10 million viewers watched last night's episode of the BBC TV reality show 'The Apprentice'. Why? To marvel at aspiring businessmen and women as they demonstrate their entrepreneurial and business skills? No, more likely just to revel in Lord Sugar's chastising of the finalists as they continued to reinforce the viewer's opinion of  'how on earth did this lot get to the final?!' 

The programme certainly draws you in and leaves you convinced that you could do so much better! However, the downside of  a programme  like this is the negative impression it gives about a whole range of topics; such as the value of  feedback, team work and  supportive management techniques.

In the real world, people want to work for leaders who have a clear vision on what needs to be done combined with being inspirational and motivational to work with. There is no place in today's workplace for a managment style based on 'failure focus'.

All four of last night's finalists produced weak Business Plans and were duly berated. It appeared they were set up for failure. Would it not have been more constructive to allow them to have guidance from an expert first, and then have a go at submitting their own plan? This would have been a far more positive approach, reflecting, how in the real world, most of us learn......but I guess that's not what makes hit TV shows!! 
Sharon H.

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