7 Jun 2014

Moving out of your comfort zone!

It’s great to work with a group of people who are willing to ‘have a go’ and try working outside of their comfort zone. 

The group I worked with last week were just like that. Their task was to run a training event for their colleagues – not a presentation - but designing and running an interactive training session,  with less than 1 day to prepare.

With training experience in the room ranging from ‘none’ to ‘a little’, it was evident that this task was a huge challenge to most and emotions ranged from apprehensive excitement to pure nervousness.

The end result was amazing.  Everyone surprised themselves as they delivered interesting and participative sessions covering a whole range of work related topics. What was particularly impressive was the creativity and fun that was demonstrated.

The secret of success was clearly down to two factors –

1     1)    Preparation
       2)    Team support

Founder of Virgin – Sir Richard Branson stated in one of his recent blogs that ‘One of the great benefits of taking on challenges in your working life is that you and your team learn to confront risk together’

Moving out of your comfort zone is something that you need not do alone. In fact working with supportive colleagues, in an open culture of feedback is one way of developing confidence and ensuring positive results.  Certainly that was the case last week when team spirit provided the atmosphere and environment for individual success.

Isn’t it amazing what can be achieved when we feel supported and engaged to learn something new?

Moving out of your comfort zone can give you a great feeling of achievement and success.  Have a go - you may even enjoy yourself!

Sharon Halliday of People & Design Ltd - www.peopleanddesign.com